Sergey Zverev Becomes Russian Advertising Academy Member
On December 9, during the 5th National Business Communications Awards ceremony, Sergey Zverev, CROS President and Head of the School of Integrated Communications at the HSE University, was awarded the honorary title of the member of the Russian Advertising Academy for his contribution to the development of the communications industry.
Sergey Zverev is a member of the Supreme Expert Council of RASO and RAOS, member of the AKAR Expert Council, member of the World Communication Forum Association (WCFA), International Association of Independent PR Agencies – PRGN, European Institute of Public Relations (IPR), International Association of Business Communicators (IABC).
Since 2000, the Russian Advertising Academy has been bringing together leading experts in the national advertising market. Members of the Academy include renowned professionals making a significant contribution to the development of the communications industry. The Academy is engaged in the development of foundations for advertising in the country, develops industry standards and criteria for assessing the quality of an advertising product, supports young professionals and is working on the development of advertising communications scienc