11 января

The CROS team had joyful and productive New Year holidays in the company of lottery millionaires. During the ten days of the national holiday season we have:

  • organized for the winners of state lotteries a trip to Moscow where they took part in the shooting of the ‘New Year Billion’ show on NTV channel with the live broadcast of the drawing of 1 billion rubles. We have developed an exciting and involving entertainment program for the winners’ families, accompanied them during the trial and live shooting of the show, and celebrated the New Year together at a restaurant!
  • implemented a PR campaign following the New Year drawing of the ‘Russian Lotto’ lottery that was held live on NTV channel on the 1st of January and during which 1 billion rubles were raffled!

The incredible fortune was split in two equal parts between winners from St Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, each getting 500 million rubles! We launched the campaign on the 1st of January and continued work during the holidays. To date, there have been over 2 000 publications with the leading federal media accounting for the larger part of them. The total coverage amounted to 291.6 mln people. The New Year Draw was on everyone’s lips! The story stayed among the top news on Yandex, Google and MediaMetrics for three days.

The newly-made multimillionaires have not turned up yet, so our work continues. Follow the news!

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